Tag Archives: mindfulness

6 survival strategies for the introvert this holiday season

Does a holiday season full of parties, celebrations, and seasonal get-togethers sound fun, exhausting, and exciting all at the same time? If so, you may be an introvert. While you may love to socialize, you may be an introvert if you get tired after big social gatherings. This certainly doesn’t mean that you can’t enjoy a holiday full of family, friends, and parties. It simply means that you need to pay closer attention to my energy levels during this busy holiday season.
Continue reading 6 survival strategies for the introvert this holiday season

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Five ways to slow down this summer

It is so important make space. To enjoy your time. To give yourself some slack. To adopt a leisurely pace. Why don’t you slow down this summer? Continue reading Five ways to slow down this summer

© 2017 Caitlin W Howe, LLC
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Where do you store stress?

Stress is a funny thing. Sometimes, mental and emotional stress takes the form of physical stress. It can make you as tired as if you have run a long distance. It can make you physically sore. And, stress can self-perpetuate. Think about when you have a quick bout of anxiety – like a close call in a car or bus. Do you tense your shoulders and neck? Over time, long-term stress makes us tense all over.

Where do you store stress?

Continue reading Where do you store stress?

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The postings on this site are my own (unless otherwise stated) and don't necessarily represent any other organization's positions, strategies or opinions. Thanks!

12 calorie-free treats to reward yourself after a hard week

Have you had a hard week? We’ve all been there. Many of us, after a hard day or week, turn to the pantry, the candy aisle, or the ice-cream shop for a treat. Instead of treating yourself to calories, here are a dozen calorie-free treats that you can reward yourself after a hard week.
Continue reading 12 calorie-free treats to reward yourself after a hard week

© 2017 Caitlin W Howe, LLC
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The postings on this site are my own (unless otherwise stated) and don't necessarily represent any other organization's positions, strategies or opinions. Thanks!

How to journal: 5 different ways to keep a journal

Let’s start with this basics: there is not one way to keep a journal! Hopefully, that’s good news to folks who have read about why you should keep a journal. In this post, we are going to talk about how to journal. I will present five different ways to do it. Let’s get started! Continue reading How to journal: 5 different ways to keep a journal

© 2017 Caitlin W Howe, LLC
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The postings on this site are my own (unless otherwise stated) and don't necessarily represent any other organization's positions, strategies or opinions. Thanks!

15 ideas for a rainy day

It’s a rainy day (welcome to spring), and you aren’t quite sure what to do with yourself or (if you have them) with your kids. Here are 15 ideas for a rainy day.

Ideas for a rainy day: Get creative

Turn off the TV. Some folks turn to the TV when they are faced with a “stay inside” kind of day. My advice? Give up the TV – even if it’s just for that afternoon.


Learn a new song. If you play an instrument, take the time to perfect a song. If you don’t play, learn the lyrics of a new song or even try a new dance. If anything, turn on Pandora in the background – music can bring more joy to the most mundane activity.

Try a new craft. That can be something as simple as coloring (for adults and kids), or as complex as a new sewing project. A quick trip to the craft store presents endless possibilities.

Coloring to relax and be more mindful

Forage for usable trash. Not interested in leaving the house? Never fear! Forage through your house for usable trash. Kids love this activity. You will be amazed at the games that come from a few toilet paper rolls, a box, some string, an egg carton, and a pile dried elbow macaroni. As an adult, try covering an old shoe box with fabric or leather to create an expensive-looking container. Or, create a mosaic from broken dishes, shells, or tile.

Ideas for a rainy day: Be productive

Eat that frog. In my post to help you stop procrastinating, I talk about “eating the frog.” What does that mean? Tackle your “frogs,” those ugly items that haunt your to-do list, first thing. 1 How can you tell a task is a frog? Maybe the task that has been sitting in your queue for over a week, or you have danced around this task by completing related tasks.


Grocery shop on the budget. Take the afternoon to buy affordable groceries. And, if you follow my tips, you’ll also be buying healthful food. It might not be the most glamorous activity, but it will set you up for success throughout the week.

Grocery Shopping Budget Healthy

Do some spring cleaning. This might be the perfect time to clear out and clean up that fridge, the pantry, or the closet. Just a reminder to use green household cleaners for your health and your wallet!


Focus on Joy. Lift your spirits by practicing gratitude, brightening your thoughts, and observing the world around you. Check out my post on how to bring more joy to your day.


Ideas for a rainy day: Enjoy relaxation

Journal. Taking the time to jot down your thoughts in a journal can be (in my experience) the key to creative productivity. For me, the act of taking a pencil to a blank page opens up endless possibilities in my mind. Sometimes when I journal, I write about my day. Sometimes, I compose my to-do list. Sometimes, I sketch a drawing. A journal is a judgement-free zone.


Practice Yoga. A rainy day doesn’t mean you can’t be active! Yoga can be a relaxing exercise that not only helps you physically, but also can give you emotional space. Here’s what happened to be when I practiced yoga every day for two weeks . And, yes, you can do this with kids – try the kid’s yoga deck to start.

7 Changes I Felt After I Practiced Yoga Every Day for Two Weeks

Sharpen the saw. What do I mean? Sharpening the saw means taking a little break and reserving some quality time for oneself. According to Stephen Covey in his book The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, sharpening the saw is “preserving and enhancing the greatest asset you have – you.”

Take a Break_Sharpen the Saw_Image

Read. What a luxury it can be to pick up a book and read quietly. If you have kids, this is a great time to choose a classic story and act out the voices the characters as you read. If you are by yourself, this might be a good opportunity to develop your knowledge of holistic health and wellness. Snuggle up in your favorite chair with a cup of tea and enjoy!

Ideas for a rainy day: Focus on health and wellness

Cook a bunch of healthy food. I tend to make meals “in bulk” once every 6-8 weeks. These meals sit in serving-size portions in my freezer, ready to be warmed up for a quick lunch at work or a simple dinner at home. Here’s how to get started cooking in bulk.


Enjoy spring veggies. What an amazing time to enjoy butter lettuce, tender asparagus, spicy radishes, and sweet young carrots. Here are some ways to prepare spring veggies.


Practice Gratitude. It’s amazing how good you can feel if you let yourself look out the window, daydream a little, and feel thankful for your life. Take a minute to observe those little things. Then, write a thank you note to someone in your life for whom you feel thankful. You can get the kids involved here too!

Thank you note

Well, there you have it! 15 ideas for a rainy day. If you still need ideas, check out my post on what to do when you are board

What do you like to do on a rainy day?

Let me know in the comments!

15 ideas for a rainy day diagram list

© 2017 Caitlin W Howe, LLC
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The postings on this site are my own (unless otherwise stated) and don't necessarily represent any other organization's positions, strategies or opinions. Thanks!

7 Changes I Felt After I Practiced Yoga Every Day for Two Weeks

This week I finished a 14-day yoga challenge. That’s right. I practiced yoga every day for two weeks. When I began the challenge, I wasn’t sure if I could really find the time to practice every day. I thought: well, I already wake up early for many of my workouts, and my evening routine is pretty full – how will I find the time?

My friend Michelle is a wellness coach, and reached out to me with this challenge. She assured me that there would be a group of people taking on the challenge, so I wouldn’t be alone. And, I didn’t need much … just a yoga mat, a beach towel (for some sessions) and some space on the living room floor. So, I thought – why not give this a try?

Challenges with groups work well for me because I am an obliger. This means that when I respond to expectations, I often meet outer expectations, but have a harder time meetings expectations I place on myself. So, finding a partner or group to keep me accountable is a good thing. (ps – want to know your tendency? Take a quiz that Gretchen Rubin (author of The Happiness Project) wrote to help you find out!)

So, when I practiced yoga every day for two weeks, here are the 7 changes I felt:

1. I felt more productive. Because I had to plan each day around my yoga practice, the time I spent cleaning, cooking, and doing other evening activities became more efficient so that I could squeeze in the 30 minutes (or so) of yoga.

2. I remembered to breathe through tough moments. Yoga is all about focussing on the breath. Because I practicing this regularly, I paid attention to my breath even during the times I wasn’t practicing yoga.

3. I felt more effective during my regular workouts. Because I was taking the time to stretch every day, my strength and cardio workouts (yes, I also kept exercising during this time) were much more pleasant and I had greater range of motion during those workouts.

4. I was more mindful. Taking time each day to “be in the moment” helped me remember to practice mindfulness throughout the day.

5. I had more energy. I know that sounds a little funny, but working out and devoting a little extra energy for my body made me more energetic throughout the day. I found myself staying more attentive at work and being more present at home.

6. I felt stronger. Doing vinyasa flow is no joke- it involves some powerful pushups! And, doing that every day did make me feel stronger. Also, I felt stronger emotionally – more resilient and peaceful.

7. I became more flexible. I am including my “before” and “after” pictures to demonstrate. In these photos, you can see how much more flexible I became just after two weeks.

Yoga Challenge Before Yoga Challenge After

Now that I have practiced yoga every day for two weeks, I have proven that I can practice it at least once per week from now on. The benefits are amazing!

If you are interested in joining a yoga (or any workout) challenge, feel free to reach out to a wellness coach like my friend Michelle. Or, you can sign up for her monthly newsletter to get tips, recipes, and motivation!

Have you challenged yourself to practice yoga before? How did you feel?

7 Changes I Felt After I Practiced Yoga Every Day for Two Weeks

© 2017 Caitlin W Howe, LLC
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The postings on this site are my own (unless otherwise stated) and don't necessarily represent any other organization's positions, strategies or opinions. Thanks!

Seven Life Lessons Learned in Hawaii

This holiday, my spouse and I travelled to Big Island, Hawaii. It was the trip of a lifetime: spectacular views, incredible people, and up-close-and-personal wildlife. The best parts of the trip also taught me some great lessons in purposeful growth.

Here are the seven life lessons I learned in Hawaii.

Continue reading Seven Life Lessons Learned in Hawaii

© 2017 Caitlin W Howe, LLC
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The postings on this site are my own (unless otherwise stated) and don't necessarily represent any other organization's positions, strategies or opinions. Thanks!

Why you should give up the TV (even for a weekend)

A few weeks ago, my spouse and I decided to give up the TV with a 100% TV-free weekend. No shows to watch during Friday dinner, no late night Netflix on the IPad, and no TV breaks on the couch with a snack. And, it was harder than you might think! We didn’t realize how much time we spent being zombies in front of the TV. According to the American Time Use Survey, the average American spends 2.78 hours in front of the TV each day – that’s almost 6 hours in just one weekend!

Continue reading Why you should give up the TV (even for a weekend)

© 2017 Caitlin W Howe, LLC
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The postings on this site are my own (unless otherwise stated) and don't necessarily represent any other organization's positions, strategies or opinions. Thanks!

3 easy ways to bring more joy to your day

Every once in a while, we need just a little pick-me-up. Here are three easy ways to bring more joy to your day. All three can be done without much effort, and completed quickly. And, when these strategies are practiced in the long-term, they can reap huge benefits.

Continue reading 3 easy ways to bring more joy to your day

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