Seven ways to zone out and be entertained without TV

After much debate in our household, Josh and I have moved a television into the master bedroom (gasp!). We try our best to be a household that minimizes screentime, but when you create an environment that makes it easier to access screens, you inevitably increase the screen time you have. And, more screen time is linked with not-so-healthy outcomes. On the other hand, it can be quite nice to have a private space to “zone out” and be entertained in front of a TV.

So in this post, I am going to take about seven ways to zone out and be entertained without a TV.

1. Audiobooks. My spouse has a subscription to Audible, and I use the free audiobook app through LibriVox. Many local libraries these days offer audiobooks that you can check out for free as well! An audiobook still lets you get lost in a story without having to be in front of a screen. In fact, I sometimes listen to audiobooks while I’m doing cross-stitch.

2. Cross stitch or other textile activity (like knitting). I’ve taken up cross-stitch over the last few years, and it has become a really enjoyable and entertaining activity. With my hands moving, my brain has time to relax and just focus on the simple task at hand. And, it’s productive as well! My spouse has been enjoying knitting, and gets that similar relaxed state.

3. Music. Listening to music can be a contemplative time, but it can also be a time to simply zone out and enjoy. And, with the many music apps that can be downloaded, you can have practically any song or genre at your fingertips. If you are lucky enough to live near venues that offer live music, this is another way to enjoy, be entertained, and be truly immersed in music.

4. Podcast or radio show. These days, a story, opinion, or a comedy routine can be found through a free podcast. And, many podcasts finish up in as little as 30 minutes – about the equivalent of a sitcom.

5. Book. A good old-fashioned form of entertainment. Choose a book to zone out and become completely immersed in another world or point of view. I have a few posts on summer reading lists that really can be used year-round. Check it out and enjoy.

6. Magazine. Need something shorter than a book? There’s a magazine for every type of interest these days (for example, I enjoy Backyard Poultry magazine to learn more about backyard chickens!). There are magazines for pure entertainment and gossip, magazines with short stories, and magazines that delve into the news – almost like a TV channel!

7. Journaling or creating art (drawing, coloring, painting). While setting up a canvas may take a little bit of time, it offers a great way to be creative. Not interested in spending the time? Try ordering a coloring book to enjoy a thorough bout of adult coloring instead of a screen.

Now, I understand that sometimes, when all else fails, a screen is just what you need. But, I recommend treating it like dessert. Moderation is key, and having a variety of activities that help you to relax and enjoy your time can help!

What helps you to zone out and be entertained?

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