Tag Archives: exercise

How to Get Outside more Often, and Why it’s Important

Getting Outside for Healthy Living, Purposeful Growth, and Creative Productivity

A couple of years ago, I was lucky enough to hear a talk from Cheryl Charles, CEO of the child and nature network. She spoke about the importance of getting children outside. Cheryl’s co-founder of the Children and Nature Network, Richard Louv, states in his book Last Child in the Woods that children who are outside tend to behave better, be in better physical health, and exhibit more mental resiliency than their peers who spend more time indoors. I think this is true for adults as well.

Continue reading How to Get Outside more Often, and Why it’s Important

© 2017 Caitlin W Howe, LLC
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Brighten your Winter Blues with these 9 Strategies

This year, the Northeast has truly experienced w-i-n-t-e-r. In fact, Boston, Massachusetts has endured a total of 95.7 inches (that’s almost 8 feet!) of snow during the 2014-2015 winter season. Needless to say, there are a lot of folks are cooped up inside.

Continue reading Brighten your Winter Blues with these 9 Strategies

© 2017 Caitlin W Howe, LLC
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What my 90-year-old Grandpa has taught me about purposeful living

During the week of his 90th birthday, my grandpa played 18 holes of golf, 8 days in a row, with his sons. One score was lower than his age. Needless to say, grandpa lives a happy, active, and stimulating life. His mind and body are healthy. Each morning, he greets the blessing of the day with a smile and a plan.
Continue reading What my 90-year-old Grandpa has taught me about purposeful living

© 2017 Caitlin W Howe, LLC
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Good Morning!

Wake up to creative, purposeful, and snooze button-free mornings

Picture this (I know we all can): It’s a dark, chilly morning. Your alarm jolts you out of your dreams. You roll over and hit the snooze button. And, you justify it: “I’ll skip breakfast this morning to save time” or “the kids aren’t up yet.” Before you know it, you have to hurry out of bed and fly through your morning. By the time you start your day, you feel scattered and rushed—not a good recipe for a productive or creative day!

Here’s a different picture: Your alarm goes off—just once. You jump out of bed to exercise, eat a healthful breakfast, and even enjoy a quiet moment before the day begins. How would a morning like this feel? Continue reading Good Morning!

© 2017 Caitlin W Howe, LLC
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Increase your productivity at home: 13 tips to maximize your time away from work

Maximizing your time doesn’t mean simply adding more away-from-work time to your life. It also requires that you become intentional about the time you already have. Did you know? American adults spend over 3 hours of leisure time each weekday in front of a screen. How would you use the extra time you might gain from reducing your TV time? Maximize your away-from-work time to build relationships, practice a new hobby, or focus on yourself.

One strategy is to re-energize your daily activities. Follow these tips to make the most from the time you have.
Continue reading Increase your productivity at home: 13 tips to maximize your time away from work

© 2017 Caitlin W Howe, LLC
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