12 calorie-free treats to reward yourself after a hard week

Have you had a hard week? We’ve all been there. Many of us, after a hard day or week, turn to the pantry, the candy aisle, or the ice-cream shop for a treat. Instead of treating yourself to calories, here are a dozen calorie-free treats that you can reward yourself after a hard week.

12 calorie-free treats to reward yourself:

Flowers. They can cost as little as $5 at the grocery store. Put them in a vase and place them somewhere where you will smell, see and enjoy them.

Read your favorite book. Sometimes, you just need to be taken somewhere else after a long day or week. What better way to do it than through reading your favorite book? Letting yourself indulge in just 15 minutes of reading can be relaxing and joyful.

Candle. Lighting a candle after a long, hard week can create a relaxing atmosphere at home. Curl up with a warm blanket, put on some relaxing tunes, and light a candle.

Massage. If you’re willing to spend some money on a treat, an occasional massage can really relax you and feel like an amazing treat after a long week. Expect to spend no less than $1 a minute, though.

Walk outside. We know that psychologically, taking a walk in a green area can calm you down, pump oxygen to the brain, and give yourself a mini break. Find a local park (or simply walk in your neighborhood). Make sure to breathe deeply while you are doing it!

Yoga. Going to a yoga class or even finding one online will give you time to relax and put yourself first. We store so much stress in our physical bodies, and yoga can help you release that stress.

Look back at photos. Whether you are on your phone or have an album handy, taking 5 or 10 minutes to look back on happy memories can remind you that all hard weeks will pass.

Bath. There are few things more luxurious than a warm, relaxing bath. Sprinkle in some essential oils to make it a special experience. You deserve it!

Indulgently catch up with a friend. Sometimes a phone call to a friend is all you need after a hard week. Remind yourself of your relationships and what really matters.

Herbal tea. Something as simple as a warm mug of herbal tea can be a treat. Savor the smell and taste to make this treat last.

Read an inspirational quote. If you don’t have a lot of time for a treat, simply reflecting on an inspiration quote can get you in the right mindset after a hard week. Try these five quotes to start.

Plant a seed. Sometimes it takes going back to the building blocks of life to get you back on track after a hard week. What better way to do it than to plant a seed? Especially this time of year, planting seeds can feel rewarding. Cold outside? Try sprouting seeds inside.

What are your ideas for calorie-free treats? Let me know in the comments!

12 calorie-free treats to reward yourself after a hard week

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